you can download in web that i have write in recent post
after your download you can get this filebefore your start run nikto first thing you must do is install the ActivePerl in your computer ,in this case i have install ActivePerl- into my computer
just run it like usual .....
after that copy file nikto and put it into drive c or d ,depend on you
open program > Accessories > Command prompt
Then run it depent where you put nikto file
C:\Perl\Bin or D:\Perl\Bin
in this case i put put nikto in C
so i just run a command like this:
perl -h [web page ip adress]
then enter it will do scan ,for example like this
to make your easyto find web page ip and save time your can add ShowIp on your Mozilla to look web page ip adress
you also can learn more command at nikto_ manual in nikto file ...